So I’m sitting at the computer yesterday posting a blog entry, and my husband’s behind me getting a few things ready for dinner (Gawd, I love that man).
Well, I did, that is, until he said the following:
Him: “I need to get a hand bell.”
Him: “I need to get a hand bell.”
Me: “You need a what?”
Him: “I need a hand bell.”
Me: “What on earth do you need a hand bell for?”
Him: “Well, I need a hand bell so that I can just ring it whenever I want you to do something for me.”
Him: “Well, I need a hand bell so that I can just ring it whenever I want you to do something for me.”
Me: “Are you serious?”
Him: “Yes, I’m serious. If you’re 'ruledbybells' then I need a bell so that I can properly rule you.”
Before I can bust out laughing and say har dee har har he gets all contemplative, rubs his chin all thoughtful like, and says, very seriously, “Hmm, maybe a nice, big cow bell…yeah, I think I’ll get me one of those.”
And what did I say to that? Nothing, that’s what! Hey, he’s my meal ticket and I was hungry!
Har dee har har!!!!!